Pahlawan Volunteers

Negara Kita Tanggungjawab Kita – From Conviction to Action

Archive for the ‘Barisan Rakyat’ Category

Every Wednesday, No Mega Tower Day

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For 24 hours every Wednesday till the next General Election, change your Facebook profile picture to one of the placards hosted at the Mega Demonstration Placards photo album.

By Pat Lu, Co-founder, Pahlawan Volunteers

The writing is on the wall. Tomorrow's outcome is determined by today's actions. Can you bear to watch your children suffer (nephews, nieces, godchildren included) because you didn't do something about it today? JOIN ME at - Post this message at your FB wall.

There are now 220,000 supporters at this historical FIRST Online Mega Demonstration on Facebook page 1M Malaysians Reject 100-storey Mega Tower. Lets make the ONE MILLION supporters goal a reality.

The next General Election is hinted to be round the corner and since the government of the day Barisan Nasional (BN) is known to give out “goodies” during election campaigns; lets do them a favour…

No need for BN to spend money to secure votes. Listen to the people. Don’t build the 100-storey mega tower yet. Be it PNB’s or our tax payers money, we’d like to see the money put to better use for now. Read When to Build a Mega Tower?

To ensure BN gets the message loud and clear, lets make every Wednesday No Mega Tower Day till GE-13. BN either calls off the building of Warisan Merdeka or voters will demonstrate Who is the Boss at the polls.

Here’s what you do:

  1. JOIN the 1M Malaysians Reject 100-storey Mega Tower Page at Facebook.
  2. For 24 hours every Wednesday till the next General Election, ADOPT any of the placards as your profile picture at Mega Demonstration Placards photo album.
    1. Download and upload as your profile picture.
    2. Add this caption to your placard: JOIN ME! Be a part of this historical FIRST Mega Demonstration Online! – 1M Malaysians Reject 100-storey Mega Tower @
    3. Then TAG your friends to your placard.
    4. As you can only tag 50 friends to a photo, simply download and upload other placards to your wall and tag more friends.
    5. Encourage and remind others to do the same at

More details on how to drive this campaign, view the Notes tab at the FB page:

Related Articles:

Written by PahlawanVolunteers

November 2, 2010 at 8:21 am

Now Everyone Can…

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“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” – V for Vendetta the Movie

Now Everyone Can Say NO to Mega Tower…

Latest count, click image to 1M Malaysians Reject 100-storey Mega Tower @ Facebook

It is amazing to observe how this page brings out the creativity in people…

Now Everyone Can make cyber placards and join cyber demonstrations from home…

Click image to view the collection of placards made by members

Now Everyone Can make and host videos to get any message across…

Hilarious videos, in Bollywood style too…

More videos here.

In addition to that, Now Everyone Can discuss any issue together 24/7 or have a cyber townhall meeting online and in realtime.

“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”
V for Vendetta the Movie


Related Articles:

Written by PahlawanVolunteers

October 30, 2010 at 11:36 pm

When to Build a Mega Tower?

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Another Mega Tower for KL is not an issue of whether it is a good idea but about the Malaysian government prioritizing the citizens’ needs.  After 13 years of prolonged budget deficit and the government running into huge domestic debts coupled with no new economic driver in sight; Malaysians would like the government to focus on urgent priorities that can add income growth for the Rakyat.

By Foong Wai Fong and Pat Lu, co-founders of Pahlawan Volunteers

Emperor Qin Shi Huang started building his mausoleum at the age of 18, that project continued for several decades. While some observer labeled that as one of the mega-ego project of all times, we tend to think that this could have started as an “economic stimulus” project.  The Qin Mausoleum eventually turned out to be perhaps the most mega project of all times — it covered an area of 50 km, it is an underground city complete with the emperors’ terracotta army and all the services and trappings of the royal household.

At that time, building the mausoleum seems like the most unproductive investment of resources. We suspect that there must be many silenced opposition as no one dared to defy the all mighty first emperor of China.  Today, 2500 years forth, Emperor Qin’s legacy had become one of the largest world heritage sites of all times. The city of Xian is benefiting from this heritage as a source of present day wealth creation. Xian and the Shanxi Province has the second highest tourists arrival in China; reaching some 50-60 million every year.

Nearer to our times, The Bilbao’s Guggenheim Museum in Spain, The Xintindi Restoration Project in Shanghai, the Restoration of the Hangang River in Seoul, Taipei 101 Tower or Dubai Burj Khalifa Tower are all testimonies of how an Avant-garde building structure could inspire and rejuvenate a city; generating pride and hope for the local citizenry and put that particular location or city on the world map.

Many of these wonderful buildings or urban renewal/renaissance projects have all proven their worth in stimulating confidence through a city’s make over; and many of them have become symbols of a particular historical era for a particular cultural group.

There are of course many less successful projects which the promoters did not find a sustainable business model to make good the investment, and the structures fail  to generate the “Bilbao Effect” of generating high GDP multiples for the city; resulting in good returns to the overall economy.

Menara Warisan

Building an ethnic style contemporary structure to symbolize the modernity of Malaysia or its people is a fantastic idea. If we can put our mind and creativity to create a ground-breaking, awe-inspiring structure; plus good functional design and integration of the content in terms of the artifacts would certainly add another dimension to the ethnicity of Malaysia. It will add diversity to the Western or Chinese dominated feature of many of present-day city-scapes.

In fact, we would argue that this is symbolic enough to become a source of ethnic pride and identity for Malaysia, and such project should be encouraged and supported. The success of the structure should be one which has the blessings and support of its citizenry; and not be labeled as an icon of swollen ego of the promoters — even if it is built with private fund.

Another Mega Tower for KL at this point in time is not an issue of whether it is a good idea but about the Malaysian government prioritizing the citizens’ needs.  After 13 years of prolonged budget deficit and the government running into huge domestic debts coupled with no new economic driver in sight; Malaysians would like the government to focus on urgent priorities that can add income growth for the Rakyat. The central issue facing businesses and the Rakyat is income growth or the prospect of income growth.

Hardship on the Ground

The figures on our economy have sounded alarm for a long time. Actual sentiments on the ground are getting near panic. The common man on the street is under tremendous financial stress. The average wage earner is finding it very difficult to make ends meet; business at the coffee shops have become unusually quiet; the SMI factories order book has not turned a new page for months; one mechanic contractor who supplies machinery and provide maintenance to the SMI sector has not seen a major contract in the last two years; he is selling off his assets in order to keep the operation going and to feed his family! The picture is rather grim and serious.

For the average Malaysian, the cost of living has risen and many people feared that it will continue to rise; the prospect of relief from income increases is dim. The quality and cost of everything; from education to road transport to health care to food need urgent redress. At a time of climate change; many are concerned with Malaysia’s rising food bill as this country has no food security of its own.

The international climate is not helping. The world has not come out of the great financial restructuring. While Time Magazine reports that 1 out of 3 Americans are thinking of walking away from their mortgage; the employment situation in many other advanced countries have not shown significant improvement. The global economy is in the process of transformation; each and every economy is trying to find its feet in a time of great technological and structural change.

When to build?

The idea of building Menara Warisan can be kept alive – to inspire and to unify the community. Invitation from local and international architects to join in a contest to design the structure can be issued; the whole nation should be engaged on a project that can inspire all.  Like the proposed nuclear plant, there is no need to rush; Malaysia can give herself time to create a truly defining structure.

The actual construction of the structure should wait until the following urgent priorities have been addressed and the economy has turned the corner:

1.    A World Class Public Transportation System. Without doubt the productivity and efficiency of any city comes from its public transportation system. The cry from the citizen on these urgent priorities has not subsided.  The government must address this without delay — there is nothing more urgent than that. A good public transportation system has the effect of saving the consumer at least 1/5 of his monthly income; and this money can be released for personal improvement or for other more productive and valuable consumption. A good public transportation system cuts stress, improve quality of life and reduces the health bill of the country.

In addition to a good domestic public transportation web in the key cities; Malaysia must get serious to building a high speed rail link from North to South to prevent the economy from being sidelined by the action in the North ( China) and the activities of the emerging South ( Singapore and Indonesia). Connectivity with key growth centers lifts the domestic boat with the rising tide from offshore waters.

2.    Improving Quality of Education through Privatization. Yes, the foundation of the economy is the skill and knowledge competence of its citizenry. The Malaysian education system needs a radical rethink; the sooner the authorities decide to let the private sector have a stronger hand; the better would it be for the country. Our education system is guilty of being trapped in bureaucratic irrelevance; it is over-burdened in terms of cost.

The world today is changing; and changing rather speedily. Unless we give a free hand to allow the private sector to participate; it is hard to imagine how we can keep our citizenry’s knowledge and competence up to date. Human resources are the core factor underlying investor confidence in a particular location.

3.    Restoring Public Confidence. Not only FDI (foreign direct Investment) to Malaysia has dried up; DDI (domestic direct Investment) is also shrinking. Thousands of high end and upper middle apartments cannot be rented out because there are not many foreigners left in Malaysia. With the daily political theater, both locals and foreigners are not amused.

While most can accept the fact that the New Economic Policy can continue; room created by the New Economic Model policy must be piloted on the development zones to make the transition. Malaysia needs to inspire confidence that it cares about the success of its business people and foreign investors. The government must do all it can to restore confidence; piloting a one country-two system policy to accommodate local needs and meeting international expectations must be executed wisely.

The government of the day would do well to focus its resources to generating a virtuous cycle and change the current depressed mood. Let the people and the world see that the government really gets it. It is not about one mega tower. Once the economy is put on a sustainable upward path, businessmen make profit and the people’s income is growing; we can build one mega tower in each of the 13 state capitals when everyone is happy!

Sign Petitions:

Also Read:

Facebook Page: 1M Malaysians Reject 100-storey Mega Tower

JOIN Pahlawan Volunteers @ Facebook

Written by PahlawanVolunteers

October 27, 2010 at 4:34 am

On Kim Quek Being Questioned by Bukit Aman

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“Instead of going after the crooks, the police questions my brother, a political analyst,” said Sr.Theresa Yong, sister of Kim Quek author of banned book ‘The March to Putrajaya’.

Kim Quek was questioned by the police at Bukit Aman between 2.:50pm-3:50pm today, 18 October 2010. Hear what his sister Sr. Theresa Yong and political scientist Wong Chin Huat has to say…

About Kim Quek

Kim Quek is a Malaysian political commentator who has been keeping a very close watch on the fast moving political development in Malaysia. His frequent writings on the local scene appear regularly in many local websites including the popular Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today.

His articles are typically factual and analytical and no-holds-barred when it comes to commenting on the incessant scandals of corruption and abuse of power involving the high hierarchy of the ruling Barisan Nasional that have increasingly dominated Malaysian politics. As such, his writings are a useful counter-balance to the notoriously one-sided narration of the Malaysian mainstream media which are hopelessly manipulated by the incumbent federal power. He hopes to offer readers, through his writings, a view of the other side of the coin, so to speak.

In a sense, this book The March to Putrajaya – Malaysia’s New Era is at Hand is a sequel to Kim Quek’s previous best seller “Where to, Malaysia?” which recorded the disastrous Mahathirist rule and the early auto-pilot reign of Abdullah Badawi.

Related Articles:

View Photos | JOIN Pahlawan Volunteers @ FB

Written by PahlawanVolunteers

October 18, 2010 at 9:04 pm

What is the Third Force?

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The 3rd Force can offer credible candidates to stand under the PR banner but whose loyalty is only to the rakyat.

The 3rd Force MUST NOT compete against the PR. If it does, we have lost.

Our primary objective is the ouster of the BN government and the restoration of democracy.

GE13 must become the trigger for Merdeka II, nothing less.

Listen to RPK and you ‘ll get a very clear idea of what it means and what you are called to do.

Part 1:

Part 2:

POLL: Who will you support at the next General Election?

Written by PahlawanVolunteers

October 10, 2010 at 12:32 am

Posted in Barisan Rakyat

Bersih 2.0 and 1Malaysians say ‘Nah!’

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The smart thing for all Malaysians to do now is to just lie low and vote BN out at the next elections…

Bersih Rally, 10 Novermber 2007

BERSIH (Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections) 2.0 is an entirely civil society movement pushing for a thorough reform of the electoral process in Malaysia. BERSIH 2.0 will be having its official launch soon, so watch this episode of PopTeeVee with Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan, Chairperson of BERSIH 2.0. to find out when!

Meantime, on Perkasa declares war against Namewee, it’s Time for 1Malaysians to say ‘Nah!’

“Pemerhati: The authorities at the New Era College probably reasoned that it was better to cancel the event for the sake of the safety of their students. This is because it has become increasingly obvious that Perkasa, like the cow-head protestors earlier, has the full backing and blessings of the top Umno leadership and the Polis DiUmno Malaysia.

The top Umno people love to have this type of racial tension going all the time as they can use it as an excuse to introduce all sort of draconian measures to continue to rule the country, if they suspect that they are likely to lose the next elections.

The smart thing for all Malaysians to do now is to just lie low and vote BN out at the next elections…

Zunar's cartoons: A picture paints a thousand words. Buy @

Have you registered as a VOTER yet? If not, head to the nearest post office NOW.
Check if you are registered as a voter here.

Written by PahlawanVolunteers

October 1, 2010 at 2:08 pm

Posted in Barisan Rakyat

I Am Who I Am by Namewee

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我還是我 I AM WHO I AM by Namewee 黃明志好好野專輯主打

This song speaks volumes, Namewee’s spirit and the state of our society and country.
Below are the English and Malay translation of the lyrics:

Aku Tetap Aku
I am Who I am

我的名字 叫明志 這個自我介紹方式
Izinkan ku memperkenalkan diriku, nama saya ialah Namewee
My name is Namewee this is how I introduce myself
從小老師 就認為我是想要惹事
Sejak kecil lagi, cikgu ingatkan ku seorang yang suka buat hal
My teachers always thought I was looking for trouble
我熱愛文字 我討厭公式 我不想面對考試
Aku suka menulis, aku benci formula dan ujian sekolah
I love literature but I hate the school system and all its exams
Aku lagi tak suka jika sesiapa komen kat style rambut ku
I get annoyed when people comment on my hair style
我的思考方式 沒有人能夠抑制
Pemikiran style aku, tiada orang boleh Ubahi
I was born with a mind that is beyond the control of others
大人都固執的怪我固執 不懂事
Orang dewasa anggap aku ni degil dan tak matang
Adult always blamed me for being stubborn & naive
我明白 待人處事都有 它的模式
Aku tahu memang ada pelbagai caranya berurusan
I realized our society has its way of life
但不代表 全部人都要變成孔子
Tapi ia tak bermakna semua orang harus menjadi Konfusius
But that doesn’t mean all of us must become Confucius

十五歲 那年初我染上音樂的毒
Pada umur 15 tahun, aku discover muzik
Age of 15 I discovered the joy of music
我透過音符 來降低我內心的無助
Nota nota membantu ku lalui masa yang tak berdaya
Through its notes I find ways to express my thoughts
我學習美術 但依然無法省悟
Aku cuba belajari seni tetapi ia tak membantu
I tried picking up art but it could not hold my inner feelings
是孤獨創造梵谷 還是梵谷創造孤獨
Adalah kesepian mencipta Van Gogh ataupun Van Gogh yang menciptakan kesepian?
Was loneliness created Van Gogh or Van Gogh created loneliness?
中學畢業後 華人得自求多福
Tamat sekolah menengah, kebanyakkan orang cina mencari rezeki di luar Negara
Upon finishing high school Chinese must find ways to further their studies
揮揮衣袖 我決定要到台灣留宿
Akhirnya, aku pun membuat keputusan untuk menginap di Taiwan
Faced with challenges I decided to pursue my education in Taiwan
爸爸媽媽不要擔心 我不會辜負
Ayah, mak jangan risau. Ku takkan buat kamu kecewa
Don’t worry mom and dad I promise not to fail you
等我讀完書 一定會回到歸屬
Habis belajar nanti, mesti saya balik ke Negara tercinta
I will return to my beloved home when I graduate
我會好好過 我必須好好過
Ku akan hidup dengan baik
I will be fine I must stay strong
想家的時候 我就打開電腦拼命創作
Apabila rindu kat keluarga, ku akan terus cipta lagu
When I lone for home I turn on my PC and started writing
牆壁上的大馬國旗 是我的寄託
Bendera Malaysia yang gantung kat dinding menjadi inspirasi ku
My Malaysian flag on the wall keeping my spirit alive
床頭的那張全家福 總是讓我振作
Gambar keluarga kat tepi katil tetap membuatkan ku lebih tabah
My family portrait beside my bed keeping my strong
一個人 在外國 要獨立生活
Seorang hidup di luar Negara, ku mesti lebih gagah
As a foreigner living in a strange country I learn to become independent
我做過很多工作 我面對很多數落
Aku buat banyak kerja sambilan, ku hadap banyak gagalan
I took up many jobs to pay my bills and tuition fees
無論再辛苦 還有音樂陪著我
Tak semestinya betapa susahnya, ku masih ditemani muzik
When times were tough at least I still had my music with me
我理想沒有變 因為我 還是我
Impian ku tidak berubah, kerana aku tetap aku
My dream did not change, I am still who I am

我有我自己的夢 自己會走
Aku akan berusaha mencapai impian ku sendiri
I have my own dream I will keep going
walaupun sunyi
Even it’s a lonely path
請原諒我的衝動 我會好好過
Maafkan impuls aku, aku akan hidup dengan baik-baik
Please forgive me for being impulsive, I will be fine
(percayalah, aku tetap aku)
Believe me I am still who I am
我不怕暴雨狂風 將我淹沒
Aku tak takut hujan lebat membanjiri ku
I’m not afraid the obstacles cos it will not drown me
Aku tetap akan berusaha
I will keep moving forward
就算旅途再癲頗 我不能回頭
Wakaupun jalan ini agak sukar tapi aku tak akan putus asa
Even if it is a journey of no return I will not give up
(percayalah, aku tetap aku)
Believe me I am still who I am

2007 年 那是個遲來的夏天
Tahun 2007, itu musim panas yang datang agak lewat
Summer came late in the year 2007
改編國歌事件 讓我人生從此改變
Mengubah lagu negaraku membuatkan hidupan ku berubah
My life was forever changed with my national anthem song
透過網際網絡 我闖了禍
Melalui internet, aku menghadapi masalah
I got into trouble through the cyber space
但我堅持沒有犯錯 有人 說我叛國
Aku disalah fahami dan ada orang kata aku ni pengkhidnat negara
I was misunderstood and got accused of betraying my country
有人 想幹掉我 有人 說不讓我回國
Ada yang tak bagi aku balik ke Negara, ada yang ingin bunuh aku
My life was threaten and I even was told I cannot come home
要我磕頭認錯 政客趁機出頭
Saya dipaksa mengaku salah, orang kuat semua keluar menunjuk muka
I was pushed into the limelight by influential people trying to gain fame
媒體還配合炒作 世界 各地的記者call我
Pihak media dari seluruh dunia tak berhenti call saya
Media got into the action and suddenly international reporters started calling me
Aku mesti tabah
I had to learn to stay calm
謠言越來越多 讓人陷入惶恐
Gosip angin semakin banyak, membuatkan ku makin risau
Rumours started flowing and my heart started pounding
甚至 還有人把偷渡路線圖 send給我
Saya juga terima peta haram tunjuk aku hilangkan diri
I even received maps with international escape routes
爸爸媽媽 對不起 不要難過
Ayah mak, ku minta maaf .. Janganlah kamu sedih
Sorry mom and dad please don’t be sad
牆壁上的國旗 我從來沒有拆過
Bendera Malaysia di dinding tidak pernah saya turunkan
I have not taken down the flag hanging in my bedroom
我破了千萬點閱 也上了各大版面
Youtube ku ditonton berjuta orang, gambarku juga dipampar dalam banyak surat khabar
My youtube video broke records and my face made newspaper covers
Ada orang suka dan ada orang benci. Aku mengahadapi ujian yang sukar ini
I got cheered and got booed I must learn to face the music now
我的故事 被文學家 寫進了書
Kisah aku dicatat oleh penulis buku
My story was documented into a book
我的臉 還被人畫成了 卡通人物
Muka aku dilukis sebagai kartoon
My face even got drawn into cartoon characters
再多褒與貶 都已經事過境遷
Banyak pujiaan dan hinaan ku alami, tapi ia bukan segalanya
I wished that all the fame and criticism would die down some day
畢業後的我 決定勇敢面對誤解
Lepas ku tamatkan pengajian, aku membuat keputusan menghadapi semua salah faham
Upon graduation I decided to return to my beloved country
我用陸路 交通跨越六個國度
Ku menggunakan jalan darat dan melepasi 6 Negara untuk balik ke Negara cinta
With only land routes I walked across 6 countries to come home
拍攝紀錄 沿途上的驚險 和領悟
Ku merakamkan sepanjang jalan yang meliputi ketakutaan dan kesedaran
I even shot a documentary on my challenging journey
一步步 很艱苦 終於回到大馬領土
Ia satu perjalanan yang sukar tetapi akhirnya ku berjaya balik ke Negara tercinta
Thought every step was tought I finally came home to Malaysia
被拍照 被訪問 還被叫到警察總部
Pihak media tangkap gambar ku, ada temu duga dan aku juga dipanggil ke balai polis
I got called to police station and faced many media interviews
雖然 你們都把我 當成公眾人物
Walaupun banyak anggap ku sebagai orang famous
Even though most think of me as public personality
但我必須穩住 要保持個人創作元素
Tapi aku mesti tabah, aku mesti tetap dengan ciptaan lagu ku
But I stayed true to myself to retain my creative art

我有我自己的夢 自己會走
Aku akan berusaha mencapai impian ku sendiri
I have my own dream I will keep going
walaupun sunyi
Even it’s a lonely path
請原諒我的衝動 我會好好過
Maafkan impuls aku, aku akan hidup dengan baik-baik
Please forgive me for being impulsive, I will be fine
(percayalah, aku tetap aku)
Believe me I am still who I am
我不怕暴雨狂風 將我淹沒
Aku tak takut hujan lebat membanjiri ku
I’m not afraid the obstacles cos it will not drown me
Aku tetap akan berusaha
I will keep moving forward
就算旅途再癲頗 我不能回頭
Wakaupun jalan ini agak sukar tapi aku tak akan putus asa
Even if it is a journey of no return I will not give up
(percayalah, aku tetap aku)
Believe me I am still who I am

有人說 我的作品荼毒青年思想
Ada orang marah hasil lagu ku mencemarkan fikiran remaja
People criticized my songs for poisoning the younger generation
有人說 我的頭腦都在胡思亂想
Ada orang mengata otak ku memikirkan perkara yang bukan-bukan
Some said my mind is full of dirty thoughts
說我亂講 說我是社會毒瘤發癢
Mengatakan aku ni merosakan moral masyarakat
That I have bad morel in the civil society
還怪我 變成他兒子的偶像
Ada juga yang mengalahkan ku jadi idola kepada anaknya
Some just blamed me for becoming his son’s idol
面對攻擊 我早就已經習慣
Aku dah biasa menghadapi semua halangan ini
I am used to faced difficult situations
保持沉默微笑 是我最好的答案
Menjadi keheningan sambil senyum adalah jawapan yang ku bagi
Keeping silent is my best defense and response
裝模作樣 從來就 不是我的強項
Aku tak suka menjadi kikuk depan orang
Putting a fake face is never an option for me
但我出門逛逛 卻要偽偽裝裝
Sekarang aku keluar, susah sangat boleh menjadi diri sendiri lagi
I can no longer be myself when I go out
我的email 每天都有人來 訴苦
Tiap-tiap hari aku terima email dari orang lain tuk mengeluh
People write to me pleading for help everyday
但我愛莫能助因為我不是 政府
Tapi aku tak berupaya kerana aku bukan pihak kerajaan
I just cannot do much because I am not the government
你們來我facebook 鼓勵我 詆毀我
Ada yang mendorong ku di facebook dan ada juga yang menghina ku
Some come to my Facebook supporting and slandering me
Aku tak delete komen-komen kerana ini adalah kebebasan bicara semua
I didn’t delete because it is their freedom of speech
我想要讓你聽見 讓你看見
Aku nak bagi kau dengar, aku nak bagi kau Nampak
I want you to listen and I want you to see
我想說的話 我的電影 和我的音樂
Apa yang ingin ku ucapkan, filem ku, dan muzik ku
The messages I convey through my voice, my film and my music
徘徊尺度邊緣 自由自在的暢所欲言
Adalah kebebasan bicara
Walking the fine line in freedom of speech
那是主流媒體 永遠看不到的世界
Inilah tempat yang tidak boleh diperjuangkan oleh mainstream media
Which is something the mainstream media can never understand
我站在不 同的的角度我不會停下腳步
Aku memandang dunia dari pelbagai sudut dan tidak akan berhentikan langkahku
I stand from a different point and I will not stop
這條思路 是老天送給我的禮物
Jalan pemikiran saya adalah hadiah khas dari tuhan
This path is a gift from god
你說我糊塗 你甚至想要把我說服
Kau mengatakan aku bingung, malah kau ingin menyakinkan ku dengan ayatmu
You claimed that I am lost and want to brainwash me
對不起我 還是我那就是我的態度
Minta maaf, aku tetap aku. Inilah sikap ku
Sorry, I am still who I am, and this is my attitude
在Kuala Lumpur 開始了新的生活
Aku memulakan kehidupan baru di Kuala Lumpur
I am starting new life in Kuala Lumpur
這裡人潮洶湧 馬路坑坑洞洞
Terdapat ramai orang telah terkorban di jalan raya yang berlubang-lubang
It is crowded here and the roads are full of potholes
一不小心 我可能會在這裡失控
Saya rasa ku juga mungkin akan hilang control di sini
If I’m not careful things may just get out of control
這條路 很難走 但我已經 沒有回頭
Jalan ini agak sukar untuk berjalan, tetapi aku sudah tiada pilihan lain
The path is not easy but I do not have a choice anymore

(我還是我 我還是我)
(Aku tetap aku aku masih aku)
Because I am still who I am

我有我自己的夢 自己會走
Aku akan berusaha mencapai impian ku sendiri
I have my own dream and I will go for it
walaupun sunyi
Even it is a lone path
請原諒我的衝動 我會好好過
Maafkan impuls aku, aku akan hidup dengan baik-baik
Please forgive me for being impulsive, I will be fine
(percayalah, aku tetap aku)
Believe me I am still who I am
我不怕暴雨狂風 將我淹沒
Aku tak takut hujan lebat membanjiri ku
I’m not afraid the obstacles cos it will not drown me
Aku tetap akan berusaha
I will keep moving forward
就算旅途再癲頗 我不能回頭
Wakaupun jalan ini agak sukar tapi aku tak akan putus asa
Even if it is a journey of no return I will not give up
(percayalah, aku tetap aku)
Believe me I am still who I am

Source: Namewee’s Blog

Written by PahlawanVolunteers

September 22, 2010 at 7:32 pm

Malaysia – A Promise of Fraternity through Freedom

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EVENT: 47 Minutes of Silence, Peace for Malaysia
To conclude the 47 years of Malaysia and usher in her 48th year
with 47 minutes of silence.
15th September 2010 @ 11.12pm – 11.59pm
– Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Carpark
– Community Halls/NGO Premises/Associations/Clubs in major towns

Watch Video: Malaysians 4 Change
Towards A 2-Party State System and Justice for All: Action Plan

To mark Malaysia Day on 16 September, civil society groups have come up with a joint statement urging Malaysians to reclaim their independence.

Civil Society Joint Statement on Malaysia Day 2010:
Malaysia – A Promise of Fraternity through Freedom

When the peoples of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore came together in 1963, Malaysia was a promise of freedom and fraternity, that all the children of this land would love and support each other to develop and progress.

A Promise of Fraternity through Freedom

Malaysia was a promise of fraternity. For none of Malaysia’s children were meant to be asked to leave their country for some foreign land. And no one was meant to be insulted and marginalised because of his or her ethnicity, faith, birthplace, lifestyle or any other group attributes.

Malaysia was a promise of freedom. Like every other nation on Earth, we would inevitably have differences on how the country was to be run and how resources and opportunities shared. We were meant to listen and understand each other, and seek solutions acceptable to all. We were not meant to silence each other by resorting to threats of riot or imprisonment.

Malaysia cannot be an independent nation if Malaysians are not free.

Malaysia was indeed such a promise, not only of fraternity and freedom, but specifically of fraternity through freedom. We were not meant to be a fraternity of slaves, living in peace merely out of fear of draconian laws or ethnic riots. Neither were we meant to exercise our freedom irresponsibly and heartlessly to cause or ignore misery of our brothers and sisters.

We were meant to use our freedom – uncompromised by our diversity – to chart a common future and a better tomorrow for all. It’s the desire for freedom and the confidence that we can collectively use freedom wisely that confirm our independence from colonisation. And that’s why Malaysia as a whole is – or should be – greater than the sum of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak.

What has gone wrong?

What has happened to this great promise of fraternity and freedom? Where are our civil and political liberties after 47 years of independence? How is our social harmony after 47 years of co-existence?

We have educationists openly calling for ethnic minorities to leave the country. We have politicians demonising gestures of goodwill between different religious communities. We have self-appointed communal heroes mongering fear and hatred, lodging police reports against opinions disapproved by them. Subsequently, we have vulgar expressions of counter-attacks.

Every society has fringe individuals and groups going all out to offend others. The only way to stop them is to expose their slurs shunned by the mainstream opinion, the very people they claim to champion, not by imprisoning them and making them martyrs. However, for common sense to prevail, we need freedom of expression and freedom of information.

By no accident at all, the perceived escalation of communal tensions happens concurrently with selective crackdown on mainstream and alternative media. Critical journalists – from television, radio and print media – are either removed or marginalised. Books and cartoons are banned while bloggers are harassed and intimidated.

Rational discussion and legitimate dissent are simply muted while certain media organisations are allowed the maximum freedom to spread bigotry and ill-will. These media operators want to terrify us Malaysians into denouncing freedom – what the Independence is really about – by
manipulating our love for peace. They want us to cling on to authoritarianism. They even openly call for ISA arrests to silence dissent.

Why are the bigoted politicians and their media collaborators so bold in challenging the common sense of Malaysians? They call us the silent majority. Do they know silence can be powerful, too? When the silent majority act together, then silence can be more deafening than any noise.

Let us reclaim our Independence

This Malaysia Day, let us all work to reclaim our country, not only for ourselves, but also for the future generations to come. It has to begin with ourselves, not anybody else.

As the Native American wisdom aptly puts it, “We do not inherit this land from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”

Let us guard this land from the fire of hatred, ignorance and fear, and return it intact to our descendants.

Let us take some time to reflect in silence on the part we have played in letting this country stoop so low, either by commission or omission.

Let us reach out to other Malaysians, out of love, not out of fear or tolerance.

Let us listen to each other and seek understanding even if we disagree.

Let us reaffirm our Independence and defeat any attempt of mental colonisation.

Let us live the promise of fraternity through freedom that Malaysia was born for 47 years ago.

The endorsing civil society groups:

  1. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN)
  2. Bersih 2.0
  3. Borneo Research Institute Sarawak (BRIMAS)
  4. Child Development Initiative
  5. Civil Rights Committee, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (CRC-KLSCAH)
  6. Community Development Centre (CDC)
  7. Council of Temples Malaysia
  8. Educational, Welfare and Research Foundation Malaysia
  10. Federation of Indian Non-Governmental Organisations
  11. Friends in Conversation (FIC)
  12. Frinjan Collective
  13. Group of Concerned Citizens (GCC)
  14. Hartal MSM
  15. Indian Malaysian Active Generation (IMAGE)
  16. Institute for Development of Alternative Living (IDEAL)
  17. Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF)
  18. Jaringan Orang Asal Semalaysia -JOAS (indigenous peoples network of Malaysia)
  19. Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT)
  20. Klang Consumer Association
  21. Kuala Lumpur And Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall Youth Section
  22. LLG Cultural Development Centre
  23. Majlis Kelab Bell Belia Tamil Malaysia
  24. Malacca Chinese Assembly Hall Youth Section
  25. Malaysian Association of Indian University Graduates
  26. Malaysian Dravidian Association
  27. Malaysian Hindu Youth Council
  28. Malaysian Indian Development & Unity Association
  29. Malaysian Indian Historical Association
  30. Malaysian Tamil Forum
  31. Malaysians for Beng Hock
  32. Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF)
  33. Negeri Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall Youth Section
  34. Oriental Hearts & Mind Study Institute (OHMSI)
  35. Pahlawan Volunteers
  36. PeBT MPSJ Zon 23
  37. PERMAS (Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor Dan Wilayah Persekutuan)
  38. Persahabatan Semparuthi
  39. Persatuan Alumni PBTUSM Selangor & Kuala Lumpur
  40. Persatuan Kebangsaan Hak Asasi Manusia (HAKAM)
  41. Persatuan Komuniti Prihatin Kuala Lumpur,Selangor & Perak (PRIHATIN)
  42. Persatuan Penduduk Taman Muhibbah
  43. PT Foundation
  45. Research for Social Advancement (REFSA)
  46. Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA)
  47. Sarawak Native Land Rights Owners (TAHABAS)
  48. Sarawakians Access (SACCESS)
  49. Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM)
  50. Tamil Foundation
  51. The Micah Mandate (TMM)
  52. The Penang Independent Schools Education Society
  53. Women Institute for Research Development and Advancement (WIRDA)
  54. Writer Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)
  55. Youth for Change (Y4C)

The endorsing party organisation:

  1. Wanita Parti Keadilan Rakyat

Written by PahlawanVolunteers

September 15, 2010 at 3:44 pm

Police Disrupts Peaceful Anti-ISA Vigil PJ

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By Pat Lu, Co-Founder, Pahlawan Volunteers

Riot police barred activists from holding the candlelight vigil to commemorate Internal Security Act’s 50th anniversary. At Dataran MBPJ, Padang Timur in Petaling Jaya, Selangor – members of the Light Strike Force (LSF) began dispersing the 300-strong crowd just as the latter began signing Negaraku. The police were also seen rushing and breaking the peace at Amcorp shopping mall.

Here’s the rakyat’s side of the story:

Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) councillor Latheefa Koy accused the police of failing to respect the local authority’s jurisdiction.

“The council has given written permission for this programme and issued an authorisation letter. But the police completely ignored it.”

“This was simply a candle-light vigil. These are candles being held, not weapons,” she added.

On the other hand, Petaling Jaya police chief Arjunaidi Mohamed said the organisers did not obtain a permit for tonight’s gathering.

“MBPJ is not the authority authorised to issue such permits. They, with their legal knowledge, should know this very well.”

Here’s the police’s side of the story:

View photos here | Past Anti-ISA PJ Vigils Video Archive

Related Articles:

Written by PahlawanVolunteers

August 2, 2010 at 2:45 am

Posted in Barisan Rakyat

Haris Ibrahim: What it means to say ‘I AM MALAYSIAN’?

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Talk on What it means to say ‘I AM MALAYSIAN’? by Haris Ibrahim and Voter Registration Campaign, organised by SAMsterz, KUBM & PIHDM, held on 22 May 2010 at the Church of the Divine Mercy, Shah Alam.

Watch videos…

More, Parts 6-10, view playlist.

Written by PahlawanVolunteers

May 24, 2010 at 1:29 pm